Image Acceptance Policy

This policy specifically covers images submitted by users for inclusion onto the freeimageslive galleries

Unlike other photo sharing sites, we do not accept every image that is uploaded. Images must be good quality and usable by others as stock images, decorative elements in designs etc. 

stock image 1533-graphic snowflakes and trees stock image 194-shiny_stones_1828.jpg stock image 1443-electric piano keyboard stock image 1553-colorful pixels stock image 1288-royal_angel_fish_1447.jpg 

Images are reviewed after upload, against the following criteria:


1. Technical

In focus and sharp images are a must unless an abstract effect has been convincingly achieved.

horizontal horizons and vertical subjects that are parallel - no skewed sunsets please.

size: at least 1500x1500 pixels, but no larger in file size than 4MB

jpeg images only, without noticeable compression artifacts or excessive noise

no frames or border effects, these limit the utility of the images

no watermarks or logos: we appreciate you may want to protect your images, in this case please include copyright information as embedded IPTC information


2. Subject Matter

We are looking for usable stock images (including objects, illustration, concepts, travel locations etc) landscapes and fine art works although these subjects are already well covered so will be judged more harshly but we still have plenty of space left for things like flowers and vistas provided that they are properly described. In general image quality will be judged for aesthetic quality and suitability after a photo has been uploaded. Rejected images receive feedback from the reviewer explaining the problem to help you improve your photography skills and same time in future.

Visitors to this site are looking for 'stock images' so our acceptance of images always has this in mind. Often the description of the image can change a simple photo of a family pet into a stock photo that literally depicts a 'naughty dog' 'in the dog house' 'in trouble' etc. This makes the descriptions of the photos quite important as they help visitors find the images that represent the concepts, emotions or subjects they are looking for. We are not suggesting here that we want lots of photos of pets (cute as they are) the emphasis is on thinking of the end use of the photo. Consider that as well as being say "a photo of a dead tree" that the image could also represent a damaged environment or some other environmental concern; a well composed photo of a tropical beach can also emote concepts of relaxation or leisure and vacation as well a literally being a photo of a beach.


2.1 Unacceptable Images:

  • Adult or glamour material is not accepted.
  • Recognisable people - due to concerns with model release requirements, we are currently not able to accept images of people. It is however acceptable to upload photos which do not show peoples faces or any other recognisable features.
  • Trademarks and logos, due to problems using images that feature the intellectual property of a 3rd party we no longer accept images which feature protected designs and logos, this includes some buildings and product designs.
  • Badly described landscapes or locations (unless exceptionally beautiful), if the title or description does not detail where the photo was taken it is of limited use to image users.


3. Copyright

We take this matter very seriously. You must hold the copyright to any images you upload. In simple terms this means that you must have personally taken any photos you upload. Under no circumstances may you download images from another photographer and upload them to this site.

Contact us if you require any assistance with this matter or have found your work used without your permission.



4. Descriptions

Each image file name should be titled with a short description before it is uploaded. IMG_0001.jpg is NOT suitable. Examples of suitable image title include "red-car-dessert.jpg" or "sunset-hawaii-DSC2323.jpg"

You have the option (RECOMMENDED) to include IPTC description, title and keywords into your images, or manually add a description at upload time.

You can also use the description field to include a hyperlink to a website site of your choosing, your portfolio, or a site where you have the image available for sale, print copies etc. full details of this in our photographer linking policy

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