Recent images:
grasses and seed heads in a meadow pictured at sunset
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a field with several large bales of straw
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close up on a pink rose flower
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views of the city of manchester in the far distance from lyme park, cheshire
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views of the english countryside in the county of cheshire
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views of english country farmland in the county of cheshire
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a view of the cheshire countryside, narrow rural lanes running through fields lined with hedgerows
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derwentwater one of the many lakes in the english lake district
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a view from the lake shore over derwent water in the english lake district
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a cloudy day over derwentwater, viewed from a boat
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looking out over derwentwater in the english lake district on a stormy day
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lords island in the middle of derwentwater, lakeland, uk
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a view of the english countryside, narrow rural lanes running through fields of sheep
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a shady farm track leading a gate opening into a field of grass
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an aerial view of london including hyde park and the serpentine from the air
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brightly coloured dragon fly perched on a twing sticking out a still pond
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a light blue coloured dragon fly perched on a twing sticking out of the water over a still pond
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feeding in a fench meadow, a black eyed blue or Vogel's Blue butterfly
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two cows on a country estate
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two pigs on a farm track
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close up on the beautiful wing structure of a dragon fly
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a pair of vivid blue and green coloured dragonflies
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lighting flash between clouds in a thunderstorm - blurred image
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lighting flashes across clouds during a thunderstorm - blurred image
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sheet lighting flashes across the clouds during a thunderstorm
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a single lone tree in the middle of a field of crops
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a bowl of wallnuts pictured with a narrow depth of field
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a concrete reservoir dam wall
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morning dew forming droplets of water on a spiders web
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looking down at a shallow river, woods and river bank
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a single tree standing alone in the middle of a field
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lines of irrigation sprinkler pipes water a field of grass
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background pattern of thatching material
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lines of irrigation pipes water a field of crops
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a decoratively shaped key stone at the top of an arch doorway
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traditional french town architecture french windows opening on to juliette balconies
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a cast iron balcony on an old french building
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remains of cave dwellings carved into a cliff, fance
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clasical architecture of the corinthian order
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details of an old french city and cathedral
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