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Australia Day Stock Photos
26th January is Australia Day -
A fact that is probably only relevant to about 22 Million of the 6 Billion people on earth.
Invasion day, Survival day or an excuse to dress in anything Green and Gold or look like superman wearing an flag for a cape: here are a few stock photos to get you in the aussie spirit no matter where you are in the world you are (especially if you're under 2 feet of snow at the moment!)
Christmas Light Painting
Long exposures of coloured christmas lights. The images which have lines or smooth circles were created with the camera mounted on a tripod, and moved in one fixed plane. There are lots more images like this in my profile at http://www.freeimageslive.co.uk/users/creator
Tropical Dreamings
Wish you were here? - collection of stock images of far away beaches and holiday destinations in the sun
New Photos
I've just added a few new photos to my gallery, including some cute pictures of a grasshopper - hope you like them michelle
San Francisco Favourites
a selection on my favoutire photos from a recent trip to San Francisco