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12609 aloe vera - this image by Helydddavies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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About the Author: Helydddavies
- About Me
I am an aspiring young photographer, I never took to photography when I was younger but when I went to france in 2009 I discovered a love for photography as I was taking photographs.
I wanted to apply to the photography when I left school but instead I chose to do the Art and design course first just to see if I really wanted to do it, I worked in the dark room for part of a photography brief and I was told that I had a natural hand with it and then I applied to the photography course when that course finished. I have been doing some work through-out my time at college and here is where I have been adding them, I really hope you all like my work.
I am now currently a student in Trinity saint davids, Carmarthen studying BA(hons) Photography.
If you would like a photo-shoot done, I will do a photo-shoot for you. The more experience I get the better, so feel free to ask. :)
- I'm a
- Semi-Pro Photographer